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my dog ate watermelon seeds

23 de dezembro de 2020 | por

Don’t allow your dog to eat rind or seeds from the watermelon as these are choke hazards. About the author: Adrienne Farricelli is a certified dog trainer and behavior consultant. Exercise caution when feeding this juicy fruit to your dog; there are two parts from a watermelon which should not be fed to your dog: the rind (i.e. my dog loves watermelon. If you don't mind removing both the rind and seeds and feeding just the pink stuff, then a summer picnic can include the least when it comes to your watermelon dessert. Watermelon seeds are not toxic to dogs, so if your dog's eaten a few, not to worry. Both are NOT and a dog WILL DIE eating a big candy bar. Relax. Seeds and rinds present choking hazards that can be avoided by either not offering these bits of the melon, or by peeling, cubing, and eliminating seeds before offering the fruit. Watermelon is a berry from the vine-like watermelon plant in the family Cucurbitaceae and is a relative of pumpkins, squashes, melons, and cucumbers. but there aint nothin wrong w/watermelon seeds that I know of.. Next DO NOT pay attention to the idiot claiming chocolate and grapes are ok for dogs. The only thing you shouldn’t give him is rind, since it probably contains pesticides. Most of us know that watermelon seeds contain a lot of Vitamin C which is a very good thing to have in our daily diet as we age. Additionally, people in China and Vietnam eat roasted, dried, or ground black watermelon seeds during new year celebrations. If your dog ate watermelon rind, don’t panic. watermelon isn't toxic, but maybe she got too much. Watermelon seeds cannot be digested, so they can cause intestinal damage, intestinal blockage or just stomach upset. Although watermelon rind and seeds are healthy for humans, they can cause intestinal blockage and other serious digestion problems in dogs. Yes, they can, but rind and seeds are toxic to them. It’s perfectly fine to feed your dog with watermelon. Nonetheless, eating too many seeds can cause a blockage in your dog's intestine, which they might not be able to pass on their own. See more guides to your dogs health, nutrition, training and behavioral problems on The only part of the watermelon your dog should be eating is the pink, fleshy part. Watermelon seeds are also not-so-good for dogs to eat. Check here; we've got facts about dogs and watermelon that should answer all your questions about feeding this healthy and tasty summer treat to your dog. However, too many watermelon seeds can cause intestinal blockage, so it's best to remove them before sharing watermelon, which is quite health for your dog (in moderation). I seriously hope he don't own a dog bc he could care less about the truth . It could lead to severe problems or even surgery. how much did you give him? That’s what you should do. Watermelon seeds (the mature ones) aren’t safe for your dog. the likely hood is the dog will pass the watermelon and will be back to normal in a few hours. If that’s the case, the hard seeds may not slide through the dog’s digestive system causing an intestinal blockage. since she is still a young dog could she have gotten into anything else that might have made her sick? No. The smaller the dog, the higher the risk as it will take fewer seeds to cause the same blockage. pips). Can dogs eat watermelon? A couple of seeds accidentally swallowed will probably not cause harm, but if you let your dog munch away on a watermelon slice, they can ingest too many seeds. skin) and seeds (i.e. Always cut the watermelon off of the rind and either buy a seedless melon or remove the seeds before serving. Watermelon may seem to be a very simple and healthy treat for all to enjoy; however seeds, rinds, and large bites of the melon can be damaging the inner body of a dog. "Her work has appeared in several print and online publications including E-how, USA Today, Every Dog Magazine, Daily Puppy and Connecticut Dog Magazine. did you give the dog just the red part, not the rind (dont give the rind)? She is also a former veterinarian assistant, and author of the popular online dog training course "Brain Training for Dogs. At first I chuckled at what I thought was a silly "?"

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